About Bay
Connect to God, Grow as Disciples, Serve with Our Lives

Who We Are
Bay Community Church was started in 1989. We are a family of people from various church and non-church backgrounds, united around faith in Christ and commitment to putting Bible into practice. Bay is part of the Congregational Christian Churches in Canada.
Our Purpose is to Connect to God, Grow as Disciples, Serve with Our Lives
What We Believe
- We believe that the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is the only divinely inspired and infallible revelation of God. It is our only written guide and final authority in matters pertaining to faith and life.
- We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His conception by the Holy Spirit, His birth by the Virgin Mary, His real but sinless humanity, His voluntary humiliation in life as the Man of Sorrows culminating in his substitutionary and atoning death as a sacrifice for sin, His bodily resurrection from the dead, His ascension into Heaven as the only and eternal mediator between God and man and His coming again in power and glory.
- We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit through Whom man is born again to saving repentance and faith, and by Whom the saints are sanctified and enabled to live a godly life.
- We believe that the salvation of man is solely by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, that the saved partake of eternal life now and will share in that glorious resurrection which is to come.
- We believe that man in consequence of the fall is utterly sinful and therefore lost, and the unsaved will be raised for final judgement.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of all who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the only Holy Universal Church, which is the body of Christ.

Leadership in Our Church
Elders. The elders and senior pastor give overall spiritual care and direction at Bay. Elders are men or women chosen through a Biblical selection process from the church body. They serve on a term basis for three years at a time. If you are looking for spiritual direction or healing prayer, the elders would be happy to serve you.
Board. The board take care of the practical operations of the church, particularly relating to property and finances. They are composed of ministry and committee representatives, a chairperson and a treasurer. The pastor and an elder serve on the board in an advisory capacity.