Pastors Pen

Connect to God, Grow as Disciples, Serve with Our Lives

“Powerful Life Lessons in Popular Culture”

“Powerful Life Lessons in Popular Culture”

Do you recall that significant moment when, in the Peter Jackson finale ofJ.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Frodo fails to throw the Ring of Powerinto the lava flows of Mount Doom, and instead takes it for himself?Viewers seemed to linger almost torturously on that...

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Observation on Grace and Cancellation

Observation on Grace and Cancellation

(Image credit: Alamy) The recent experiences of Bay Community Church— with a local newspaper speculating about church “hatred” in its headline, and then assuming its speculation is factual by the time the article was half-way through— is a curious indication of the...

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“Unreasonable Reasonable Limits”

“Unreasonable Reasonable Limits”

Christians often grapple with the degree to which they should be invested in the general culture and political climate. As near as I can determine, no Biblical formula exists. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit, and prayerfully move as He directs.  In point of...

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Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, there was a Fortune 500 CEO who fell in love with a beautiful company intern. An honourable and handsome man, he had never married because of the ever-increasing demands of the business that he had helped grow since its inception. His employees now...

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Word Over Whim

Word Over Whim

An honest tracing of political evolution through Western history tends to implicate the Bible more than the average citizen realizes. The idea of a national covenant, which informed British constitutionalism, for instance, is a Biblical concept. Even in a more...

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“Rejoice in the Truth”

In the midst of a graceless world, rejoice in the Biblical message and in your personal ministries, for such meaning is for here, and will never come again!

“The Magnifiers”

God humbles the proud, but gives grace to the humble. In other words, He magnifies the lowly, and helps them in their distress. It's interesting, too, that Mary, in turn, magnifies the living God in Luke 1.

“The Convicting Heart of David”

King David was far from perfect, but there is an instant in the second book of Samuel where he intercedes on behalf of values that simply TOWER above our own.

“The Offering of a Clay Pot”

There's something important that Jesus is telling us when He freely receives the offering of the woman who anoints Him with perfume.

“Our Lord’s Bidding”

The saints cannot be hypothetical. We must make the will of God incarnate in our own lives because the incarnation of Jesus is actually the will of God, made flesh.

“Delusion 101”

This week's sermon goes back to the basics of the Biblical gospel, and addresses the well known human phenomenon of "I'm good". To understand some of the contemporary context in what we're discussing in the sanctuary, you may wish to explore the following Ray Comfort...