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“Underpowered: the Legacy of Unbelief”
We love to say, "Greater is He that is within me..." but when the rubber hits the road, do we actually believe it?
“Charity Begets Worship (Thanksgiving)”
The Apostle Paul tells the Corinthian Church something a bit unexpected. Not only does charity help human need, it also produces vertical thanksgiving.
“The Convicting Heart of David”
King David was far from perfect, but there is an instant in the second book of Samuel where he intercedes on behalf of values that simply TOWER above our own.
“The Land, the Alien, and the Inheritors”
You are perhaps familiar with the dynamic of sinner and saint. An other way of looking at it, Biblically, lies in the metaphors of alien and inheritor.
“The Offering of a Clay Pot”
There's something important that Jesus is telling us when He freely receives the offering of the woman who anoints Him with perfume.
“Our Lord’s Bidding”
The saints cannot be hypothetical. We must make the will of God incarnate in our own lives because the incarnation of Jesus is actually the will of God, made flesh.
“Worshiping the Right Image”
After we've gotten over being deluded about ourselves, one of the next dangers is having a deluded image of God.
“Saints Behind Christ’s Own Facade”
The saints are all dressed up in Christ's robes— Hallelujah! And God has a unique purpose for them in the heavenlies...
“Delusion 101”
This week's sermon goes back to the basics of the Biblical gospel, and addresses the well known human phenomenon of "I'm good". To understand some of the contemporary context in what we're discussing in the sanctuary, you may wish to explore the following Ray Comfort...
“Representatives Take the Heat”
Maturity and resilience are absolutely necessary when we recognize our status as representatives
“Under Old Management”
We were Divinely meant to manage— but good management requires getting out from under demonic dominion.
“The Good Things of Hell”
Do you realize that "good things" are capable of distracting you— of robbing you of your eternity? Don't be so enamoured by prosperity that you forget an important subtext in the Gospel of Luke.
“All These Pentecosts”
If one defines Pentecost as a significant encounter with God's Holy Spirit, then the Bible is full of Pentecosts, and thank God!
“Grieved by the Last Days’ Indifference”
In this second part of a series on debilitating indifference, we explore Hezekiah's response to Isaiah as an archetype for prevalent attitudes at the End of Days.
“Grieved at the Ruin of Ordinary Joe”
The intersection of Amos 6 and Mark 3 gives an interesting insight into the heart of Jesus Christ.