Small Group

Connect to God, Grow as Disciples, Serve with Our Lives

Be Part of Bay Church

Small Groups are one of the best ways to really experience being a part of Bay. In our small groups we share our stories, build friendships, grow as disciples through Bible study and application, and support one another in prayer. We discover our gifts and talents, and we serve and reach out together.

Most of our life groups meet weekly for about two hours. Groups use Bible-based study material including topics like prayer, parenting, evangelism, and books of the Bible. Every year or so we do a church-wide study together.

Our Groups

Intercessors Group: Wednesday mornings at 10:00 – 11:30 am Church Sanctuary

Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study: Thursday, 10:30 am-High Noon.
Church Board Room

IronMen (FE)/male: Tuesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm 
Church Sanctuary

The Navigators: 2:7 study “Growing Strong:  Rooted and Built up in Him” Alternating Tuesdays starting September 17@ 6:45 PM. Call the office for more information.

Men’s breakfast is monthly at the church. Newcomers are welcome. Check with the office for time and date.

Worship Team Practice: Wednesday 7 pm and/or Thursday mornings
Church sanctuary

Mission Fellowship Group: 2nd Monday of month 1:30-3:00 pm Rotating locations

Sonshine Lunch Club: (helping feed Courtenay’s less fortunate).
Each Friday morning. Volunteers are always welcome.

The Views Service: (5th Sundays worship at The Views care home)
Time of service to be announced.

Faith and Politics: Pastor David MacKenzie has always enjoyed the intersection of Faith and Politics. To that end we occasionally have seminars on various topics to do with faith and Politics. Stay tune for future announcements.

If you’re committed to Bay as your church family you could become a life group host or leader.

For info about joining or leading a group contact Judell –

Phone 250-339-7527